dinsdag 12 maart 2013

BAP - One Shot ~Review~


So, my first review will be about BAP's latest MV called 'One Shot'.
I know it's been out for a month already, but I really really wanted to review a BAP video (yes i'm a baby ^^) so here we go:

To start off I'll talk about the music. That's the main point right?!
I really like the song (it's been on replay on my phone for a while now), they've come back with a fierce, powerful song, unlike their earlier combacks.
I love the powerful vocals and fierce rapping. The meaning behind the lyrics of the song are beautiful too, the way I interpretate them is that: If you really want something, you have to take a chance at it 'cause you might never get the opportunity again. Also, if you're passionate about it, don't give up when it doesn't go very well, keep it up and you'll be rewarded.
I think it's absolutely awesome Yongguk helped in writing the lyrics for 'One Shot' as well as the lyrics for the other songs on the album. Speaking off which, you get a sneak peak of them in the MV as well, which I think was very clever 'cause it made me really curious for the other songs.

The video itself was really cool too, they filmed for over 100 hours and it cost about 1 000 000 dollar!! Say what?! Anyway, I really loved the concept of BAP as gangsters (I'd watch that movie ^^) and enjoyed the fact that the video was so long.
I think the storyline was easy to follow and the acting was superb for a first time. The plot twist/ double ending was a nice touch, altough I actually liked the first ending better.
The only two little things that bothered me were the robbing off the truck and Zelo in the gunfight. When you rob a truck it should not go that smoothly. I mean, who hired those guards? They didn't even fight back when they were attacked. I wouldn't want them to guard my money... And getting the door of the truck open went a bit to smoothly too. But I can get why they would do that 'cause it would be kinda hard to put all those things in a video, they can't make it too long ya know ^^
Then on to Zelo's part in the gunfight. When the fight begins everyone runs to hide, except Yongguk 'cause he got shot, and then we have Zelo... He's standing there like 'Hey shoot me' and doesn't even try to hide. I can understand however 'cause Yongguk got shot and Zelo must obviously be in shock, so he freezes and can't move. What I don't get is that the bad guys don't shoot him right away. No, they let him crawl to Yongguk, decide to shoot Daehyun first (Well, I would too, 'cause he looked like a madmen (a damn hot one on top of that)), then they take out Jongup and only then they shoot Zelo?! Looks a little strange, don't you think? But other than that I think the MV is really well made.

As for the fashion, can I just squeal here for a moment? I absolutely adore these type of clothing!! I couldn't have asked for anything different.
I love the outfits they're wearing on the boat, especially Daehyun's shirt and Zelo's vest. The all black outfits that appear afterwards are my absolute favorites. I love outfits that are all black, and the steam punk influences really make the outfits look very interesting. I won't comment on all the outfits 'cause I'd be ranting but can I just say I love the amount off wifebeaters and short sleeved shirts in here :3

Now onto their hair. These aren't my favorite haircuts for them, but it's nice to see them with more 'normal' hair colors once and I was surprised at Zelo's dark hair color, 'cause he always used to be blonde ^^

The dance... I love it! Honnestly, how hot is this dance? Have you seen the push up move? That's one awesome move! Also, it's surprising how charismatic they can look while beeing in that position.

So overall I really liked the MV, but maybe i'm kinda biased ^^
If you want me to review another one, please ask me and I hope you enjoyed this post.




Welcome to my new blog! This blog will be about everything that's got to do with kpop: Kpop MV's, Fashion, K-drama's, maybe i'll do some DIY'ing too.

But let me intoduce myself first. I'm a seventeen year old middle school student who loves kpop ^^ I also like DIY'ing, looking at fashion magazines/ pictures, taking photos, writing...

So how did I get into Kpop? Well, it all started three years ago when a friend of mine was watching the drama 'You're beautiful' and told me it was hilarious and I had to watch it too. She showed me a scene of the drama and I thought it was really funny so I looked it up and watched the whole drama in just a few days :3 If you know 'You're beautiful', you know it's about a girl that tries to get into a popular band, pretending she's a boy. I really liked the music used in the drama and decided to check the interwebs to find out if they were a band in real life too. That's how i found out about CN Blue and FT Island. I really liked CN Blue so i decided to put their songs on my mp3. As I watched their MV's I clicked the links in the suggestion box and found out about SHINee. Well they pulled me in and never let go of me again ;D

Now why did I decide to put up this blog? Well, I've been thinking about it for a while and I just felt I wanted to share my passion for kpop with the world. Share my opinion on things, give some recommendations maybe. I dunno, I'm new to blogging but I'll do my best :)

I'll be posting my opinion about new MV's that come out, the clothes the idols wear, I will also revieuw some dramas i've watched. And if you want to I can also do some DIY's on kpop items or make some 'steal the style' posts ^^
